About event
Blogxiety is the anxious feeling or nervousness typically caused by the fear of one's blog failing. And it’s no joke. We interviewed 1,000 bloggers and found that 68% of travel bloggers have experienced symptoms of blogxiety and 33% have even considered changing their occupation. If you’re one of them, please don’t!
Watch the Blogxiety Webinar to discover what makes bloggers burn out and learn how to reignite your passion for travel blogging!
Experienced travel bloggers such as Matthew Kepnes (Nomadic Matt), Jessie Festa (Jessie on a Journey), and Shelley Marmor (Travel Mexico Solo) shared their experiences and advice on how to reduce your anxiety. The event was hosted by the ever effervescent Chris Davila (Girl Takes Mundo).
What will you learn
- Shelley Marmor, creator of Travel Mexico Solo, told how to stop comparing yourself to other bloggers, manage social media overwhelm, and transcend writer's block.
- Jessie Festa, creator of Jessie on a Journey, shared her 3-step process for staying organized as a blogger, which includes auditing tasks, streamlining to save time, and organizing your schedule with an action plan.
- Matthew Kepnes, a travel blogger with 15 years of experience and the creator of Nomadic Matt, answered questions about travel blogging struggles.

Shelley Marmor
Creator of Travel Mexico Solo

Jessie Festa
Creator of Jessie on a Journey

Matthew Kepnes
Creator of Nomadic Matt
Skill level